the Experiences

Deciding what you want to do while you’re here is a function what’s happening, what’s close by and what you’re in the mood for. In this section, we break it down for you so you can see what your options are. Whether you stay in town, head to the coast or create your own fun on the property, there’s plenty to do.

day Excursions

When you’re in Wine Country, you’re never far from your next glass. This much is true. But there’s more to Wine Country than wine. Or cheese. Or any other savory bite. West County offers just as many options for nature lovers and thrill seekers as it does for gourmets and gourmands. In this section we follow the exploits of six different visitors to Spirit Hill Farm to see how they spent their time among the vines.

area Map

What’s there to do near Spirit Hill Farm? Plenty. To give you an idea of just how much, we created a map that pinpoints the many fine restaurants, wineries, brew pubs, spas, sports, galleries and grocery stores. You’ll see that, as much of an oasis as SHF is, it’s right in the thick of things.

local Events

When’s the best time to visit us? How about anytime. There is always something happening here. Whatever your interests – be they wine, food, art, film, dance, music, livestock, or racecars – there is usually a way to celebrate it. Someone somewhere is throwing a festival, a spring fling, a summer solstice, a fall harvest or a holiday lighting. Here are just a few of each season’s highlights.