The roses are here! It seems like it happened over night. One day I went to feed the chickens and things were winter bare, and the next day an explosion of color had happened. And I hadn’t heard a peep in the night.
Roses must rose very quietly.
The thing I love most about the rose garden is the flying gym teacher. She is, actually, the mother of Carolyn, the proprietress of Spirit Hill Farm. This angel with her wild hair watches over us with her spectacles and wings and whistles.
There is a local artist, Patrick Amiot, who uses recycled objects to make all sorts of things that seem to have been created by someone in a dream state or by someone from another planet. Someone with an amazing sense of humor and creativity.
Patrick made the angel mama.
When you come to Spirit Hill Farm, make sure to take the short drive to Florence Avenue in Sebastopol to see house after house with one of Patrick’s pieces in their front yards. It’s like a neighborhood Christmas celebration made of metal and wide-eyed characters.
It’s one of those you have to see it to believe it things.
You’re welcome.
Read more about it here: